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About product

When it comes to supporting your gut health, Bio-Kult's advanced adult probiotics is a standout choice. This supplement boasts 14 probiotic strains carefully selected to complement the natural gut flora in a healthy digestive system. It includes well-known strains like Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium longum and Bacillus subtilis, among others, ensuring comprehensive gut support. What's more, this probiotic is versatile – safe for babies, toddlers, children, vegetarians and those traveling. With no need for refrigeration, it's a hassle-free addition to your daily routine.


  • Contains 14 diverse probiotic strains
  • Suitable for various age groups
  • Doesn't require refrigeration
  • Safe to take alongside antibiotics

Customer Reviews

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Customer Reviews

I've taken many different probiotic products over the last ten years. Some were useless and others did a ok to pretty good job. Some were very expensive and worthless. Biokult is not inexpensive, but the benefits to vibrant health make them essential for me.I was searching for a product that had a process to keep the enzymes active, and effective as long as possible AND that did not have to be refrigerated, as I travel..That's why I bought it, but it is not why I've kept on using them for about two years now.The first thing to thing to know is it's about lots more than digestion - the effects of a good probiotic drive vibrant health. You get sick less, - not at all, or very rarely. Your skin clears and glows; hair, and nails grow fast and look beautiful. Your digestive track cleans out (if you are drinking sufficient water and avoiding sodas & junk food - an occasional wine or drink is fine) and your stomach gets Flatter! so when you do your little exercise (very little for me) routine the muscles are strong and look sexy. Across the board - you feel healthy because you are, you look really good but most important - You Are Good.NOTE: This does not happen instantly. And if you have been "clogged up" with bad nutrition for a long time it will not only take the time it takes but in the beginning you will encounter what doc's call a "healing crises" You may think it's the probiotics making you ill but it is actually the opposite. The probiotics are cleaning out years of the gunk and junk you have put into your digestive track and which is stuck and glued. As it does so, you feel a little ill - not much but it's there. When it happens Celebrate because it means you are getting out the "crap" that causes you to get sick and grows into major disease! Really.So you get the bad stuff out BioKult replaces it with the really good stuff that keeps you regular and gives you vibrant health. You hardly ever get sick (if you have cleaned up your eating habits).OK - last thing. You might think they are expensive- but when you get this kind of health - and more importantly, clean out what is in you that will make you ill over and over until you become very ill - you are improving your quality of life. When you feel your best you've got energy galore and can do even more things to make you stronger. You rarely have to go to the doctor or take meds - which are way more expensive - not to mention the time lost for fun or work. You are protecting your health Long Term - so it is 111% worth it.

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This is a high potency strain of probiotics that was recommended for the quality and types of bacteria strains. I have been very happy with it.

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I started taking this about two months ago to help with my IBS-D. I will first say that for me, obviously this is not a miracle cure. I still have to be careful what I eat and proactively manage my triggers (food/emotional/otherwise). That being said, I would say I've noticed about a 60% improvement in my symptoms from prior to starting. Mornings used to be my worst part of the day for symptoms and I would often avoid going anywhere so I could be close to the bathroom. I don't want to say that it isn't a concern, but instead of being out of commission for the whole morning, I have to be mindful for maybe an hour. It's actually throwing me off a bit, because I feel better than I'm used to feeling and not having to plan so much of my life around it is taking some getting used to. I noticed a change in my symptoms about three weeks in and have continued to see increased improvement.I find the pills easy to swallow, as long as I have some beverage to take it with, but I don't usually have a problem swallowing pills. I find that I get better results if I sprinkle the contents of the pill onto food, instead of swallowing it as is (though that could be my imagination) so I try and make a point of having at least one meal a day this way. There's not much taste to speak of, think of sprinkling a little bit of flour on your food and it's comparable, though most of the time I don't even notice any texture or taste changes. I tried stirring the powder into a cold glass of oatmilk (again, I still have to manage my triggers and lactose is one of mine) and found that it tends to clump, even if I stir it very well, and settle at the bottom where I miss it. I haven't tried it in other beverages.If you are taking this to treat IBS, I would suggest for your first week or two, depending on how you react, of taking half a pill daily. I didn't have a reaction with these, but in the past when I've tried different pro-biotics, my IBS symptoms went up to 11 and scared me off for trying them for several years. I think starting slow mitigated that this time.I've been taking 1-3 pills a day, depending on if I remember, but make a point of taking one at breakfast since that is my worst time of day for symptoms. Will it be pricey? Yes, more than I be do spending if isn't have IBS but the improvement in my physical and mental health is worth it, and plus there is saving on toilet paper now 😉

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No bloating, easy to use, and it’s a great product! There was ‘no getting used to it’-it was perfect right out of the gate! I loved the ingredients and it makes my gut healthier. This came highly recommended, so I decided to give it a whirl…it was worth it!

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Very good product.

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Wouldn’t use anything else

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These are some sort of miracle probiotics. I am lost for words, the pain in my gut from ulcers has been something I have learned to live with in the past few years. I am mid 30s very healthy but the ulcers have kept me feeling shit at times. The Dr keeps giving me meds to reduce stomach acid which is a band aid, even thought I eat a strictly healthy diet they have reduced but not gone away. Then I googled some solutions and one of them was these probiotics. Man these things are magic. It’s only been a week and the ulcer pain is down 1/10. The more I use them I feel the gut environment is getting better. I honestly felt like crying for a min, the whole issue has been so debilitating for me. I would for sure recommend this to others too.

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I'm regular buyer for this product. No complain as it works well for me!

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To buy these in retail store they are way more expensive in some cases an extra $35 per pack.Ours came from England but we're fairly quick.

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I think these types of supplements depend on the person’s physical make up and this one seemed to work ok for me but not that much better than when was available to me at the drug store right down the road.

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Based on 0 reviews

About product

This gut health adult probiotic supplement by Bio-Kult stands out as a comprehensive solution to support your digestive health and overall well-being. With a robust mix of 14 probiotic strains, including Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium longum, Bacillus subtilis and more, it naturally enhances your gut microbiota, a key component of good health. This supplement is versatile, suitable for various life stages and dietary preferences, and it can even be taken alongside antibiotics.


  • Contains a diverse blend of 14 probiotic strains
  • Suitable for a wide range of individuals
  • Backed by the NHS
  • Naturally complements existing gut flora

Customer Reviews

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Customer Reviews

I've taken many different probiotic products over the last ten years. Some were useless and others did a ok to pretty good job. Some were very expensive and worthless. Biokult is not inexpensive, but the benefits to vibrant health make them essential for me.I was searching for a product that had a process to keep the enzymes active, and effective as long as possible AND that did not have to be refrigerated, as I travel..That's why I bought it, but it is not why I've kept on using them for about two years now.The first thing to thing to know is it's about lots more than digestion - the effects of a good probiotic drive vibrant health. You get sick less, - not at all, or very rarely. Your skin clears and glows; hair, and nails grow fast and look beautiful. Your digestive track cleans out (if you are drinking sufficient water and avoiding sodas & junk food - an occasional wine or drink is fine) and your stomach gets Flatter! so when you do your little exercise (very little for me) routine the muscles are strong and look sexy. Across the board - you feel healthy because you are, you look really good but most important - You Are Good.NOTE: This does not happen instantly. And if you have been "clogged up" with bad nutrition for a long time it will not only take the time it takes but in the beginning you will encounter what doc's call a "healing crises" You may think it's the probiotics making you ill but it is actually the opposite. The probiotics are cleaning out years of the gunk and junk you have put into your digestive track and which is stuck and glued. As it does so, you feel a little ill - not much but it's there. When it happens Celebrate because it means you are getting out the "crap" that causes you to get sick and grows into major disease! Really.So you get the bad stuff out BioKult replaces it with the really good stuff that keeps you regular and gives you vibrant health. You hardly ever get sick (if you have cleaned up your eating habits).OK - last thing. You might think they are expensive- but when you get this kind of health - and more importantly, clean out what is in you that will make you ill over and over until you become very ill - you are improving your quality of life. When you feel your best you've got energy galore and can do even more things to make you stronger. You rarely have to go to the doctor or take meds - which are way more expensive - not to mention the time lost for fun or work. You are protecting your health Long Term - so it is 111% worth it.

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This is a high potency strain of probiotics that was recommended for the quality and types of bacteria strains. I have been very happy with it.

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I started taking this about two months ago to help with my IBS-D. I will first say that for me, obviously this is not a miracle cure. I still have to be careful what I eat and proactively manage my triggers (food/emotional/otherwise). That being said, I would say I've noticed about a 60% improvement in my symptoms from prior to starting. Mornings used to be my worst part of the day for symptoms and I would often avoid going anywhere so I could be close to the bathroom. I don't want to say that it isn't a concern, but instead of being out of commission for the whole morning, I have to be mindful for maybe an hour. It's actually throwing me off a bit, because I feel better than I'm used to feeling and not having to plan so much of my life around it is taking some getting used to. I noticed a change in my symptoms about three weeks in and have continued to see increased improvement.I find the pills easy to swallow, as long as I have some beverage to take it with, but I don't usually have a problem swallowing pills. I find that I get better results if I sprinkle the contents of the pill onto food, instead of swallowing it as is (though that could be my imagination) so I try and make a point of having at least one meal a day this way. There's not much taste to speak of, think of sprinkling a little bit of flour on your food and it's comparable, though most of the time I don't even notice any texture or taste changes. I tried stirring the powder into a cold glass of oatmilk (again, I still have to manage my triggers and lactose is one of mine) and found that it tends to clump, even if I stir it very well, and settle at the bottom where I miss it. I haven't tried it in other beverages.If you are taking this to treat IBS, I would suggest for your first week or two, depending on how you react, of taking half a pill daily. I didn't have a reaction with these, but in the past when I've tried different pro-biotics, my IBS symptoms went up to 11 and scared me off for trying them for several years. I think starting slow mitigated that this time.I've been taking 1-3 pills a day, depending on if I remember, but make a point of taking one at breakfast since that is my worst time of day for symptoms. Will it be pricey? Yes, more than I be do spending if isn't have IBS but the improvement in my physical and mental health is worth it, and plus there is saving on toilet paper now 😉

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I think these types of supplements depend on the person’s physical make up and this one seemed to work ok for me but not that much better than when was available to me at the drug store right down the road.

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No bloating, easy to use, and it’s a great product! There was ‘no getting used to it’-it was perfect right out of the gate! I loved the ingredients and it makes my gut healthier. This came highly recommended, so I decided to give it a whirl…it was worth it!

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Very good product.

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Wouldn’t use anything else

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These are some sort of miracle probiotics. I am lost for words, the pain in my gut from ulcers has been something I have learned to live with in the past few years. I am mid 30s very healthy but the ulcers have kept me feeling shit at times. The Dr keeps giving me meds to reduce stomach acid which is a band aid, even thought I eat a strictly healthy diet they have reduced but not gone away. Then I googled some solutions and one of them was these probiotics. Man these things are magic. It’s only been a week and the ulcer pain is down 1/10. The more I use them I feel the gut environment is getting better. I honestly felt like crying for a min, the whole issue has been so debilitating for me. I would for sure recommend this to others too.

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I'm regular buyer for this product. No complain as it works well for me!

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To buy these in retail store they are way more expensive in some cases an extra $35 per pack.Ours came from England but we're fairly quick.

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Based on 0 reviews

About product

The Bio-Kult Advanced Probiotic is a unique supplement formulated to help promote the health of your digestive system. It contains 14 probiotic strains, including lactobacillus acidophilus, bifidobacterium longum, and bacillus subtilis, that work together to naturally complement the gut flora found in those with healthy digestive systems. Although this product is suitable for all ages and diets, its special potency makes it a particularly effective supplement for pregnant women, those taking antibiotics, or anyone who is traveling. It’s also non-GMO and gluten-free, making it a great choice for those with dietary preferences or restrictions. Plus, it’s used in the NHS (the UK’s National Health Service).


  • 14 probiotic strains
  • Supports gut health
  • Can take every day
  • Free of artificial flavors and colors

Customer Reviews

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Customer Reviews

I've taken many different probiotic products over the last ten years. Some were useless and others did a ok to pretty good job. Some were very expensive and worthless. Biokult is not inexpensive, but the benefits to vibrant health make them essential for me.I was searching for a product that had a process to keep the enzymes active, and effective as long as possible AND that did not have to be refrigerated, as I travel..That's why I bought it, but it is not why I've kept on using them for about two years now.The first thing to thing to know is it's about lots more than digestion - the effects of a good probiotic drive vibrant health. You get sick less, - not at all, or very rarely. Your skin clears and glows; hair, and nails grow fast and look beautiful. Your digestive track cleans out (if you are drinking sufficient water and avoiding sodas & junk food - an occasional wine or drink is fine) and your stomach gets Flatter! so when you do your little exercise (very little for me) routine the muscles are strong and look sexy. Across the board - you feel healthy because you are, you look really good but most important - You Are Good.NOTE: This does not happen instantly. And if you have been "clogged up" with bad nutrition for a long time it will not only take the time it takes but in the beginning you will encounter what doc's call a "healing crises" You may think it's the probiotics making you ill but it is actually the opposite. The probiotics are cleaning out years of the gunk and junk you have put into your digestive track and which is stuck and glued. As it does so, you feel a little ill - not much but it's there. When it happens Celebrate because it means you are getting out the "crap" that causes you to get sick and grows into major disease! Really.So you get the bad stuff out BioKult replaces it with the really good stuff that keeps you regular and gives you vibrant health. You hardly ever get sick (if you have cleaned up your eating habits).OK - last thing. You might think they are expensive- but when you get this kind of health - and more importantly, clean out what is in you that will make you ill over and over until you become very ill - you are improving your quality of life. When you feel your best you've got energy galore and can do even more things to make you stronger. You rarely have to go to the doctor or take meds - which are way more expensive - not to mention the time lost for fun or work. You are protecting your health Long Term - so it is 111% worth it.

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This is a high potency strain of probiotics that was recommended for the quality and types of bacteria strains. I have been very happy with it.

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I started taking this about two months ago to help with my IBS-D. I will first say that for me, obviously this is not a miracle cure. I still have to be careful what I eat and proactively manage my triggers (food/emotional/otherwise). That being said, I would say I've noticed about a 60% improvement in my symptoms from prior to starting. Mornings used to be my worst part of the day for symptoms and I would often avoid going anywhere so I could be close to the bathroom. I don't want to say that it isn't a concern, but instead of being out of commission for the whole morning, I have to be mindful for maybe an hour. It's actually throwing me off a bit, because I feel better than I'm used to feeling and not having to plan so much of my life around it is taking some getting used to. I noticed a change in my symptoms about three weeks in and have continued to see increased improvement.I find the pills easy to swallow, as long as I have some beverage to take it with, but I don't usually have a problem swallowing pills. I find that I get better results if I sprinkle the contents of the pill onto food, instead of swallowing it as is (though that could be my imagination) so I try and make a point of having at least one meal a day this way. There's not much taste to speak of, think of sprinkling a little bit of flour on your food and it's comparable, though most of the time I don't even notice any texture or taste changes. I tried stirring the powder into a cold glass of oatmilk (again, I still have to manage my triggers and lactose is one of mine) and found that it tends to clump, even if I stir it very well, and settle at the bottom where I miss it. I haven't tried it in other beverages.If you are taking this to treat IBS, I would suggest for your first week or two, depending on how you react, of taking half a pill daily. I didn't have a reaction with these, but in the past when I've tried different pro-biotics, my IBS symptoms went up to 11 and scared me off for trying them for several years. I think starting slow mitigated that this time.I've been taking 1-3 pills a day, depending on if I remember, but make a point of taking one at breakfast since that is my worst time of day for symptoms. Will it be pricey? Yes, more than I be do spending if isn't have IBS but the improvement in my physical and mental health is worth it, and plus there is saving on toilet paper now 😉

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I think these types of supplements depend on the person’s physical make up and this one seemed to work ok for me but not that much better than when was available to me at the drug store right down the road.

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No bloating, easy to use, and it’s a great product! There was ‘no getting used to it’-it was perfect right out of the gate! I loved the ingredients and it makes my gut healthier. This came highly recommended, so I decided to give it a whirl…it was worth it!

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Very good product.

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Wouldn’t use anything else

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These are some sort of miracle probiotics. I am lost for words, the pain in my gut from ulcers has been something I have learned to live with in the past few years. I am mid 30s very healthy but the ulcers have kept me feeling shit at times. The Dr keeps giving me meds to reduce stomach acid which is a band aid, even thought I eat a strictly healthy diet they have reduced but not gone away. Then I googled some solutions and one of them was these probiotics. Man these things are magic. It’s only been a week and the ulcer pain is down 1/10. The more I use them I feel the gut environment is getting better. I honestly felt like crying for a min, the whole issue has been so debilitating for me. I would for sure recommend this to others too.

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I'm regular buyer for this product. No complain as it works well for me!

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To buy these in retail store they are way more expensive in some cases an extra $35 per pack.Ours came from England but we're fairly quick.

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Best Adult Probiotic of 2024

Updated Sep, 2024
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Buying Guide

Maintaining a healthy gut is essential for overall well-being, and finding the right adult probiotic can play an important role in achieving digestive balance. To select the best probiotic for your needs, start by considering your specific health goals. Whether it's alleviating occasional digestive discomfort, boosting immunity or improving regularity, identifying your objectives will help you narrow down the options. Look for a probiotic that contains a variety of strains, as different strains offer different benefits. Check the colony-forming units (CFUs) count to ensure an adequate dose for your goals. It's also vital to assess the stability of the probiotic, so opt for products with a long shelf life and proper storage recommendations. Consider any potential allergens or sensitivities when examining ingredient lists. If you're taking other supplements or medications, consult a healthcare professional to avoid potential interactions. Finally, factor in ease of use and convenience – capsules, tablets or powders – to ensure seamless incorporation into your daily routine. By keeping these factors in mind, you can confidently select the best adult probiotic to support your digestive health and overall vitality.
bio-kult everyday probiotics -14 strains, probiotic supplement, probiotics, no need,
bio-kult everyday probiotics -14 strains, probiotic supplement, probiotics, no need,

Featured Products

Bio-Kult Everyday Probiotics -14 Strains, Probiotic Supplement, Probiotics for Adults, No Need for Refrigeration, Non-GMO, Gluten Free -Capsules,120 Count (Pack of 1)

bio-kult everyday probiotics -14 strains, probiotic supplement, probiotics, no need,


When it comes to supporting your gut health, Bio-Kult's advanced adult probiotics is a standout choice. This supplement boasts 14 probiotic strains carefully selected to complement the natural gut flora in a healthy digestive system. It includes well-known strains like Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium longum and Bacillus subtilis, among others, ensuring comprehensive gut support. What's more, this probiotic is versatile – safe for babies, toddlers, children, vegetarians and those traveling. With no need for refrigeration, it's a hassle-free addition to your daily routine.

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Product features

  • Contains 14 diverse probiotic strains
  • Suitable for various age groups
  • Doesn't require refrigeration
  • Safe to take alongside antibiotics


Can you take this probiotic with other supplements?

Yes, it's generally safe to take it alongside other supplements, but it's a good idea to consult your healthcare provider.

What is the recommended daily dosage for this probiotic supplement?

The recommended dosage varies depending on age and specific health needs.

Bio-Kult Gut Health Probiotic Supplement, 14 Strains, Probiotics for Women & Men, Immune Support, Digestive Health, Shelf-Stable, Non-GMO and Gluten-Free, Capsules, 30 Count (Pack of 1)

bio-kult gut health probiotic supplement, 14 strains, probiotics


This gut health adult probiotic supplement by Bio-Kult stands out as a comprehensive solution to support your digestive health and overall well-being. With a robust mix of 14 probiotic strains, including Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium longum, Bacillus subtilis and more, it naturally enhances your gut microbiota, a key component of good health. This supplement is versatile, suitable for various life stages and dietary preferences, and it can even be taken alongside antibiotics.

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Product features

  • Contains a diverse blend of 14 probiotic strains
  • Suitable for a wide range of individuals
  • Backed by the NHS
  • Naturally complements existing gut flora


Can you take this probiotic supplement while on antibiotics?

Yes, this supplement is suitable to be taken alongside antibiotics.

Is this probiotic safe for pregnant women?

Yes, this probiotic supplement is safe for pregnant women, but it's always advisable to consult with your doctor first.

Bio-Kult Gut Health Probiotic Supplement, 14 Strains, Probiotics for Women & Men, Immune Support, Digestive Health, Shelf-Stable, Non-GMO and Gluten-Free, Capsules, 60 Count (Pack of 1)

bio-kult gut health probiotic supplement, 14 strains, probiotics


The Bio-Kult Advanced Probiotic is a unique supplement formulated to help promote the health of your digestive system. It contains 14 probiotic strains, including lactobacillus acidophilus, bifidobacterium longum, and bacillus subtilis, that work together to naturally complement the gut flora found in those with healthy digestive systems. Although this product is suitable for all ages and diets, its special potency makes it a particularly effective supplement for pregnant women, those taking antibiotics, or anyone who is traveling. It’s also non-GMO and gluten-free, making it a great choice for those with dietary preferences or restrictions. Plus, it’s used in the NHS (the UK’s National Health Service).

Check Price

Product features

  • 14 probiotic strains
  • Supports gut health
  • Can take every day
  • Free of artificial flavors and colors


Can you take this probiotic with antibiotics?

Yes, it is suitable for use alongside antibiotics, but it's always a good idea to consult your doctor before starting any new supplement regimen.

Are there any age restrictions for using this probiotic?

, it is safe for individuals of all ages, however, consult your healthcare provider if you have any concerns.

How many capsules come in the container?

There are 60 capsules in this container, but you also have the option of buying one with 30 capsules or 120.

How many capsules are in a serving?

Two capsules are in a serving.

Amazon Reviews

Read the review on Amazon
"I've taken many different probiotic products over the last ten years. Some were useless and others did a ok to pretty good job. Some were very expensive and worthless. Biokult is not inexpensive, but the benefits to vibrant health make them essential for me.I was searching for a product that had a process to keep the enzymes active, and effective as long as possible AND that did not have to be refrigerated, as I travel..That's why I bought it, but it is not why I've kept on using them for about two years now.The first thing to thing to know is it's about lots more than digestion - the effects of a good probiotic drive vibrant health. You get sick less, - not at all, or very rarely. Your skin clears and glows; hair, and nails grow fast and look beautiful. Your digestive track cleans out (if you are drinking sufficient water and avoiding sodas & junk food - an occasional wine or drink is fine) and your stomach gets Flatter! so when you do your little exercise (very little for me) routine the muscles are strong and look sexy. Across the board - you feel healthy because you are, you look really good but most important - You Are Good.NOTE: This does not happen instantly. And if you have been "clogged up" with bad nutrition for a long time it will not only take the time it takes but in the beginning you will encounter what doc's call a "healing crises" You may think it's the probiotics making you ill but it is actually the opposite. The probiotics are cleaning out years of the gunk and junk you have put into your digestive track and which is stuck and glued. As it does so, you feel a little ill - not much but it's there. When it happens Celebrate because it means you are getting out the "crap" that causes you to get sick and grows into major disease! Really.So you get the bad stuff out BioKult replaces it with the really good stuff that keeps you regular and gives you vibrant health. You hardly ever get sick (if you have cleaned up your eating habits).OK - last thing. You might think they are expensive- but when you get this kind of health - and more importantly, clean out what is in you that will make you ill over and over until you become very ill - you are improving your quality of life. When you feel your best you've got energy galore and can do even more things to make you stronger. You rarely have to go to the doctor or take meds - which are way more expensive - not to mention the time lost for fun or work. You are protecting your health Long Term - so it is 111% worth it."
Read the review on Amazon
"This is a high potency strain of probiotics that was recommended for the quality and types of bacteria strains. I have been very happy with it."
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