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About product

The I Dew Care dry shampoo is an efficient and convenient way to keep your scalp and hair looking and feeling healthy. This non-aerosol, benzene-free, mattifying root-boosting powder's compact size means you can easily take it on the go. Its unique blend of 15% root boosting powder, ten ppm black ginseng, and biotin helps to quickly freshen up greasy-looking hair for fuller-looking locks without leaving any white cast or residue. A sensitive skin primary irritation test with 32 men and women aged 19-59 confirms this dry shampoo is a non-irritating product.


  • Will last up to four days without additional application
  • No artificial scent or irritation of aerosol sprays
  • Adds shine and a healthy glow to hair
  • Vegan and cruelty-free

Customer Reviews

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Customer Reviews

UPDATE 11/24/23 so you know I’m so invested in sharing our love for this 😂 and if it helps even one person, mama, daughter, etc., I’ll be happy: we still LOVE THIS product and have repurchased one time so it lasted about 6 weeks for us regularly doing the same routine as below. She plays sports formally 4 days a week and is very active most other days or has gym at least. As a reminder, she’s usually very greasy and is in the throes of hormones from starting puberty so extra sweat and grease 😅. Also, awesome money-saving/product-panning tip (IYKYK): I realized the applicator/puff is refillable so I had a lightbulb moment when thinking about WHY this product was so effective. I began thinking of what I can refill it with (possibly at a cost savings because even though we loved it, frequent repurchases and costs were imminent) and started looking at powder dry shampoo of all kinds. I was about to purchase the expensive beloved bumble & bumble dry shampoo (because it lasts forever), or other brands I hadn’t tried before. Then, while doing my makeup one day, it dawned on me that the Tap secret powder texture is very similar to the Elf HD powder which I love and use religiously, even over other more expensive products. Like a huge nerd, I then researched the ingredients in dry shampoo powders of all kinds/brands, loose setting powders, etc., and realized that the common ingredient was often silica which, duh, absorbs oil. I am sure that so many of us have tons of loose finishing powders laying around that we may not have loved for our face (banana powder for me) or cheaper products that we do love that we could fill this applicator with at a cost savings (Elf HD powder for me, which is half the price of the original Tap secret). I have now filled the original applicator with a mix of banana powder and the HD powder and Y’ALL 💡🤯. I will still repurchase and support this brand and product and to be fair, it is slightly more effective than the HD powder. Also, not all folks will be able to be compatible with banana powder color-wise (though I suggest mixing with cocoa powder and you might be 😭) or purchase the HD powder just for this (I always have the HD powder on hand so makes sense for me). BUT, the applicator is amazing and to be able to use up random setting powders in my vanity and save money? Freakin’ amazing.ORIGINAL REVIEW:Of course we all love freshly washed hair but sometimes it’s nice or necessary to prolong a hair wash! I wish I took day by day pictures of my daughter’s hair this week. I will preface this by saying that I am someone who is a little obsessive about appearance and especially hygiene and being and looking clean. I’m trying and have done well with trying not to push those tendencies on my daughter but she has entered sweaty, smelly puberty 💀.I have very dry, very curly hair so when I had my daughter who is now ten and has mostly straight hair that is prone to be oily, I had to learn how to best care for her hair as well. Her hair is often greasy by day two especially with sports and now puberty. It’s not that it looks bad but it’s not as nice as freshly washed. She always showers or bathes every day and cares for her skin, but it is nice to be able to skip a day or two a week of fully washing her hair, especially before bed. We live on the beach in a very humid climate but have cold/wet winter. In the summer, she washes her hair every night because of camp and swimming. Since it is hot outside, we can also do in the morning as well. In the fall and winter in our cold climate, we have to fully blow dry wet hair. I’ve tried every shampoo and conditioner combination, salicylic acid shampoo, nizoral, clarifying shampoo, no conditioner, conditioning the scalp, etc and have finally found the perfect solution in combination with this product! I have tried - and hated - almost every aerosol dry shampoo on her hair. Of course some of them are nice but they get expensive and the cans don’t last long. Travel is a pain and expensive to buy travel size. They often make it look like she has dandruff as well and she hates how it has a white cast. She has dark blonde hair.We got her this dry shampoo and she did her usual full shampoo and conditioner with everything else on Sunday. She sat with microfiber plop in for one hour then we blow dried completely. Monday her hair still looked great so she took a “body bath” only and I lightly used this puff for the first time on Monday. The reviews said it works best if you use dry shampoo BEFORE the hair gets oily. I did this and brushed it from roots to tips with a boar bristle brush. I thought that was a great tip! Tuesday her hair still looked so fresh that she took a “body shower” and even had soccer practice! It still looked amazing after practice and since it was late, she took a quick body shower and I blew dry her damp hair from sweating. She knew she would have to get up early before school on Wednesday to wash her hair. However on Wednesday, her hair still looked so good that she just washed her body again! Here we are on Thursday morning and she just went to school today with her hair down again!!! I haven’t applied any of the dry shampoo since a couple puffs each on Monday and Tuesday!!!! Absolutely zero dandruff appearance, no smell, zero grease and she still has lovely shine and body! I will say if you use too much, it can cause a chalky, almost hard to brush texture and a white cast but it shakes out with fingers if that makes sense. Darker haired people may want to be careful at first. I was nervous on Tuesday that I’d used too much but it was easy to correct and none of the issues lasted. Im so blown away by this product! I don’t know or care if it is the actual product or the puff applicator but it is incredible and will most definitely repurchase again and again! It will be easy to travel with as well and great for school or work bags. But as I’ve learned, if you use the right amount before developing the oiliness or greasiness, you likely won’t need to apply again! Side note but she hasn’t developed any pimples near her hairline this week and she usually does get one here and there with the start of puberty. I am thinking the hair becoming greasy often made her more prone to pimples!Unreal!If anyone is interested in the total routine that I’ve found for her hair, I’ll post below. She has pretty thick, mostly straight, dark blonde hair and we have struggled with oily hair, greasy appearance even on freshly washed hair at times and thick flaking like she used to get with “cradle cap” as a baby and toddler. Her crown and hairline get the greasiest. The absolute best combo now includes this dry shampoo but her hair wash routine is wash thoroughly (scalp and hair) with 3% salicylic acid shampoo (I use the Walgreens brand) and let sit on scalp for a few minutes. Rinse thoroughly. Shampoo for second time with silicone and mineral oil free shampoo (currently using the Pantene bamboo line which we both love) and rinse thoroughly. Conditioner lightly (maybe a teaspoon for her thick shoulder length hair) but be sure to massage into scalp. She is currently using my Shea Moisture conditioner but we use so little it doesn’t weigh either of our hair down. A dry scalp can over produce oil to try and over compensate. Since I started doing that it reduced a bit. Make sure to rinse thoroughly! Also the blow dry completely trick is important.All of this now with the dry shampoo is HOLY GRAIL!The rest of the week, we shampoo her only once with the bamboo shampoo so SA shampoo only once a week. It would be too drying otherwise. It’s nice that the bamboo shampoo is one that we both can use. Before this dry shampoo, we still washed 4-5 times a week or suffered the consequences in a greasy up-do ugh. Now we have the freedom to shampoo less if convenient especially in the colder months!Im so grateful to be able to help my daughter find her holy grail routine as she enters puberty and feel so happy to have found this product! Can’t recommend this product enough!

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I have very thin and oily hair- I’ve tried so many different brands and types of dry shampoos (both expensive and cheap ones). Normally, dry shampoo helps me get one day more (24hrs) of good hair. I tried using this dry shampoo and was shocked that I could get as many as 3 days of good hair! I will say that it does check the texture of my hair a bit- it’s harder to run my fingers through my hair and it’s almost like my hair has too much texture/ added thickness. It washes out pretty easy. I’ve started mixing this with other, less effective, dry shampoos to get a balance of the awesomeness of I dew care oil saturation and the darker color and texture of another brand. I don’t think I’m using too much. Either way, I’ve started buying the multipack! Give it a try, it’s worth it!

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The packaging is smaller than I expected but I don't care. This product is PRICELESS! I have very thin hair that usually starts to look thin and greasy after 12 hours. I have been trying to wash it less frequently to avoid drying it out and color fading. I have also started doing rosemary oil treatments to promote hair growth and thickness. A lot of oily activity on my hair. I just used it today after not washing my hair this morning and IT LOOKS BETTER THAN WHEN I DO WASH IT. I am amazed and so grateful I got the 2-pack. If you have fine oily prone hair that needs a little volume - try it!

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Je suis une grosse utilisatrice de shampoing sec, j'ai les cheveux fins gras. J'utilisais le batiste depuis longtemps mais il laissait des résidus blanc et la tête me piquait constamment...Celui-ci ne pique pas dutout et ne laisse pas de résidus!! C'est vrai qu'il rend les cheveux d'une drôle de texture au toucher mais ils ont l'air propre et c'est ce qui compte pour moi. Je peux espacer mes lavage de 3-4 jours, du jamais vu!!Je ne sais pas encore combien de temps dur un pot mais c'est vrai que les quantités ne sont pas énormes et que le prix est un peu élevé.

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Great product! It looked small when it arrived, but I needed a little product to refresh my hair! I'll be purchasing the refills too!

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I have a lot of things going on. I mean physically and mentally- not that I’m too important to wash my hair (rofl). Add to the fact that I have a ton of really fine hair and it takes forever to get all the shampoo/ conditioner out of my hair and then dry it…. It’s a nightmare. (I’m exhausted just thinking about it).But this product lets me live my life without feeling like SUCH a trash panda. I recently went to visit my sister (who also struggles washing her hair) and I washed my hair Thursday night and went my entire visit without needing to re-wash my hair. I didn’t wash it until the next Wednesday at lunch time. I DID lament on Monday night “my hair feels like a cheap wig” as I was gently styling it- but it didn’t LOOK bad.Also, all hail the reviewer who suggested using it before you NEED it. I usually use it around day two. I now wash my hair no more than twice a week (and really only that often because it’s convenient to do it on the weekend) and I certainly don’t need it that often.Unlike with the spray dry shampoo, this actually works. I always felt the sprays “worked” but this WORKS. Plus, it’s travel friendly.It’s my new staple. I MUST have this on hand now.For reference, I have long, fine, wavy ish hair. It gets lank and greasy pretty easy. I’ve never had the problem of using too much of this product, though I’ve always been careful of how much I’ve used. It does make my hair feel “weird” I suppose but since you only use it on your roots it isn’t that big of a deal since I'm not constantly running my hands through my hair. It also gives it a bit of root lift.**updating to four starsIt’s been commented that it runs out quickly but I want to underscore that it runs out QUICKLY. Mine lasted about two months, maybe a little longer, using it twice a week. And I don’t use that much. So it’s pretty expensive. You can buy refills though and while they aren’t THAT much cheaper, anything helps.Secondly, I experienced the weird white flakes. I know now why the one reviewer said “I know it wasn’t dandruff”. This… wasn’t dandruff. It was so weird. And the more I brushed it away, the more I’d see it in a layer underneath, in a straight line about two inches from my roots..I’m going to try taking a break from this for a while because maybe it’s buildup?So, it’s great, expensive, and can cause weird flakes that aren’t dandruff (I know dandruff 😣)

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1 star for it not being aerosol but other than that, this is awful. Feels grainy and heavy in your hair and leaves a white residue- even with massaging in scalp. Will not be purchasing again.

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I had such high hopes for this product. I love the powder puff applicator but the dry shampoo itself is terrible. It dried out my hair completely. It has a grimy and sticky residue that makes it impossible to run my fingers though my hair. My hair just felt completely gross after using. I tried it for about a month to give it a fair shot. I wash my hair twice a week (every 3 days) so I would use the product twice a week as well, the day after my shampoo) It dried out my hair so much that I couldn't get it's natural texture back. I tried clarifying shampoo and moisturizing hair masks but no dice. I had to go and get it cut short to a pixie cut to get it feeling back to normal.I have fine, ginger hair. I don't know if all hair types would have this experience but if you have a hair type like mine I would suggest you keep shopping.

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Was this used and sold again?There was a hair under the cap, clearly it was there before it was opened, I saw it poking out of the side before I removed the lid.You can also tell it was there before by the way it was bent to conform with the shape.I’m assuming but either it was from manufacturing/packing or returned after someone used it and was sold again?Either way, someone’s hair is not what you want to see when you receive this

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About product

This bundle is perfect for anyone looking for a versatile solution for their self-care routine. The I DEW CARE formula is designed to clean the scalp, protect hair, and boost volume, leaving scalps and hair feeling and looking healthy. The dry shampoo powder comes in a 0.24 oz tub and can be used to maintain the style throughout the day. Meanwhile, the headband is made of super soft material, so it’s great at keeping hair away from the face while washing or applying makeup. It also looks great!


  • Soft and adorable headband
  • Dry shampoo is formulated for a healthier scalp
  • Bundled products for easy and versatile use
  • Makes a great self-care gift

Customer Reviews

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About product

This I DEW CARE Bundle combines two amazing products to ensure a beneficial and enjoyable self-care experience. The Hydrogel Eye Patch features a shimmering formula with real jewel powder and hydrogel to depuff and brighten your eyes, as well as caffeine for a wide-awake, luminous look. These patches deeply moisturize and revitalize the skin around your eyes for a more radiant look. The Tap Secret dry shampoo powder features a benzene-free ultra-fine formula that freshens up greasy-looking hair for fuller-looking locks throughout the day. This dry shampoo will help keep your scalp and hair feeling and looking healthy, clean, and protected.


  • Eye patches brighten and depuff eyes
  • Clean ingredient formulas for peace of mind
  • Products are tested on sensitive skin
  • Easy to travel with

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Best travel size dry shampoo of 2025

Updated Mar, 2025
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Written by Terrick Nyron
Terrick Nyron
Terrick Nyron
Terrick Nyron is an avid outdoorsman and tech enthusiast with interests from holistic agriculture to coding and everything in between. Nothing escapes my interest, and no tree is too tall!
Updated Mar, 2025
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Buying Guide

Anyone wanting glossy and voluminous hair should know that dry shampoos can be a lifesaver. We’ll walk you through all the different aspects to consider before buying one. The first thing you should consider is what type of formula is best suited to your hair type. The two most common types of dry shampoo are aerosol and non-aerosol. If you have coarse or thick hair, you should opt for an aerosol spray as it will be easier to apply. If you have fine or thin hair, a non-aerosol dry shampoo might be a better option because it can help add some extra volume. After your hair type, the next step is to check the ingredients list on the back of the product. Ideally, you want to look for a dry shampoo free of chemicals like sulfates, parabens, and phthalates, which can be damaging to your hair and scalp. Finally, think about how you’ll be using the dry shampoo. If you’re looking to freshen up a specific area, non-aerosol options can be more precise; if you’re looking to freshen up your entire head of hair, an aerosol spray is a better option.
I DEW CARE Biotin Clarifying Dry Shampoo - Tap Secret Original | Strengthening & Volumizing, Powder Type, Refillable, Travel size, Non-aerosol, Brunette, Korean Ginseng, 0.24 Oz
I DEW CARE Biotin Clarifying Dry Shampoo - Tap Secret Original | Strengthening & Volumizing, Powder Type, Refillable, Travel size, Non-aerosol, Brunette, Korean Ginseng, 0.24 Oz

Featured Products

I DEW CARE Biotin Clarifying Dry Shampoo - Tap Secret Original | Strengthening & Volumizing, Powder Type, Refillable, Travel size, Non-aerosol, Brunette, Korean Ginseng, 0.24 Oz

I DEW CARE Biotin Clarifying Dry Shampoo - Tap Secret Original | Strengthening & Volumizing, Powder Type, Refillable, Travel size, Non-aerosol, Brunette, Korean Ginseng, 0.24 Oz


The I Dew Care dry shampoo is an efficient and convenient way to keep your scalp and hair looking and feeling healthy. This non-aerosol, benzene-free, mattifying root-boosting powder's compact size means you can easily take it on the go. Its unique blend of 15% root boosting powder, ten ppm black ginseng, and biotin helps to quickly freshen up greasy-looking hair for fuller-looking locks without leaving any white cast or residue. A sensitive skin primary irritation test with 32 men and women aged 19-59 confirms this dry shampoo is a non-irritating product.

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Product features

  • Will last up to four days without additional application
  • No artificial scent or irritation of aerosol sprays
  • Adds shine and a healthy glow to hair
  • Vegan and cruelty-free


What is dry shampoo?

Dry shampoos can be alcohol or starch-based and soak up extra oil from the hair and scalp.

Why use dry shampoo instead of regular shampoo?

Dry shampoo quickly refreshes your hair and scalp by quickly removing sebum and other particles from the scalp.

I DEW CARE Face Wash Headband - Black Cat, 1 Count + Dry Shampoo Powder - Tap Secret, 1 Count, 0.27 Oz Bundle

I DEW CARE Face Wash Headband - Black Cat, 1 Count + Dry Shampoo Powder - Tap Secret, 1 Count, 0.27 Oz Bundle


This bundle is perfect for anyone looking for a versatile solution for their self-care routine. The I DEW CARE formula is designed to clean the scalp, protect hair, and boost volume, leaving scalps and hair feeling and looking healthy. The dry shampoo powder comes in a 0.24 oz tub and can be used to maintain the style throughout the day. Meanwhile, the headband is made of super soft material, so it’s great at keeping hair away from the face while washing or applying makeup. It also looks great!

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Product features

  • Soft and adorable headband
  • Dry shampoo is formulated for a healthier scalp
  • Bundled products for easy and versatile use
  • Makes a great self-care gift


How long does the container of dry shampoo last?

When used every other day, the dry shampoo should last around three months.

How do you wash the headband?

You can machine or hand wash the headband, and then hang it to dry to help it last longer.

I DEW CARE Hydrogel Eye Patch - Starlit Kitten, 5 EA + Dry Shampoo - Tap Secret, 0.27 Oz Bundle

I DEW CARE Hydrogel Eye Patch - Starlit Kitten, 5 EA + Dry Shampoo - Tap Secret, 0.27 Oz Bundle


This I DEW CARE Bundle combines two amazing products to ensure a beneficial and enjoyable self-care experience. The Hydrogel Eye Patch features a shimmering formula with real jewel powder and hydrogel to depuff and brighten your eyes, as well as caffeine for a wide-awake, luminous look. These patches deeply moisturize and revitalize the skin around your eyes for a more radiant look. The Tap Secret dry shampoo powder features a benzene-free ultra-fine formula that freshens up greasy-looking hair for fuller-looking locks throughout the day. This dry shampoo will help keep your scalp and hair feeling and looking healthy, clean, and protected.

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Product features

  • Eye patches brighten and depuff eyes
  • Clean ingredient formulas for peace of mind
  • Products are tested on sensitive skin
  • Easy to travel with


Are the under-eye patches reusable?

No, the package comes with five pairs of single-use eye patches.

How long should I wear the under-eye patches?

You can wear them for about 30 minutes. Once you remove them, rub in any excess serum for the best results.

Amazon Reviews

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"UPDATE 11/24/23 so you know I’m so invested in sharing our love for this 😂 and if it helps even one person, mama, daughter, etc., I’ll be happy: we still LOVE THIS product and have repurchased one time so it lasted about 6 weeks for us regularly doing the same routine as below. She plays sports formally 4 days a week and is very active most other days or has gym at least. As a reminder, she’s usually very greasy and is in the throes of hormones from starting puberty so extra sweat and grease 😅. Also, awesome money-saving/product-panning tip (IYKYK): I realized the applicator/puff is refillable so I had a lightbulb moment when thinking about WHY this product was so effective. I began thinking of what I can refill it with (possibly at a cost savings because even though we loved it, frequent repurchases and costs were imminent) and started looking at powder dry shampoo of all kinds. I was about to purchase the expensive beloved bumble & bumble dry shampoo (because it lasts forever), or other brands I hadn’t tried before. Then, while doing my makeup one day, it dawned on me that the Tap secret powder texture is very similar to the Elf HD powder which I love and use religiously, even over other more expensive products. Like a huge nerd, I then researched the ingredients in dry shampoo powders of all kinds/brands, loose setting powders, etc., and realized that the common ingredient was often silica which, duh, absorbs oil. I am sure that so many of us have tons of loose finishing powders laying around that we may not have loved for our face (banana powder for me) or cheaper products that we do love that we could fill this applicator with at a cost savings (Elf HD powder for me, which is half the price of the original Tap secret). I have now filled the original applicator with a mix of banana powder and the HD powder and Y’ALL 💡🤯. I will still repurchase and support this brand and product and to be fair, it is slightly more effective than the HD powder. Also, not all folks will be able to be compatible with banana powder color-wise (though I suggest mixing with cocoa powder and you might be 😭) or purchase the HD powder just for this (I always have the HD powder on hand so makes sense for me). BUT, the applicator is amazing and to be able to use up random setting powders in my vanity and save money? Freakin’ amazing.ORIGINAL REVIEW:Of course we all love freshly washed hair but sometimes it’s nice or necessary to prolong a hair wash! I wish I took day by day pictures of my daughter’s hair this week. I will preface this by saying that I am someone who is a little obsessive about appearance and especially hygiene and being and looking clean. I’m trying and have done well with trying not to push those tendencies on my daughter but she has entered sweaty, smelly puberty 💀.I have very dry, very curly hair so when I had my daughter who is now ten and has mostly straight hair that is prone to be oily, I had to learn how to best care for her hair as well. Her hair is often greasy by day two especially with sports and now puberty. It’s not that it looks bad but it’s not as nice as freshly washed. She always showers or bathes every day and cares for her skin, but it is nice to be able to skip a day or two a week of fully washing her hair, especially before bed. We live on the beach in a very humid climate but have cold/wet winter. In the summer, she washes her hair every night because of camp and swimming. Since it is hot outside, we can also do in the morning as well. In the fall and winter in our cold climate, we have to fully blow dry wet hair. I’ve tried every shampoo and conditioner combination, salicylic acid shampoo, nizoral, clarifying shampoo, no conditioner, conditioning the scalp, etc and have finally found the perfect solution in combination with this product! I have tried - and hated - almost every aerosol dry shampoo on her hair. Of course some of them are nice but they get expensive and the cans don’t last long. Travel is a pain and expensive to buy travel size. They often make it look like she has dandruff as well and she hates how it has a white cast. She has dark blonde hair.We got her this dry shampoo and she did her usual full shampoo and conditioner with everything else on Sunday. She sat with microfiber plop in for one hour then we blow dried completely. Monday her hair still looked great so she took a “body bath” only and I lightly used this puff for the first time on Monday. The reviews said it works best if you use dry shampoo BEFORE the hair gets oily. I did this and brushed it from roots to tips with a boar bristle brush. I thought that was a great tip! Tuesday her hair still looked so fresh that she took a “body shower” and even had soccer practice! It still looked amazing after practice and since it was late, she took a quick body shower and I blew dry her damp hair from sweating. She knew she would have to get up early before school on Wednesday to wash her hair. However on Wednesday, her hair still looked so good that she just washed her body again! Here we are on Thursday morning and she just went to school today with her hair down again!!! I haven’t applied any of the dry shampoo since a couple puffs each on Monday and Tuesday!!!! Absolutely zero dandruff appearance, no smell, zero grease and she still has lovely shine and body! I will say if you use too much, it can cause a chalky, almost hard to brush texture and a white cast but it shakes out with fingers if that makes sense. Darker haired people may want to be careful at first. I was nervous on Tuesday that I’d used too much but it was easy to correct and none of the issues lasted. Im so blown away by this product! I don’t know or care if it is the actual product or the puff applicator but it is incredible and will most definitely repurchase again and again! It will be easy to travel with as well and great for school or work bags. But as I’ve learned, if you use the right amount before developing the oiliness or greasiness, you likely won’t need to apply again! Side note but she hasn’t developed any pimples near her hairline this week and she usually does get one here and there with the start of puberty. I am thinking the hair becoming greasy often made her more prone to pimples!Unreal!If anyone is interested in the total routine that I’ve found for her hair, I’ll post below. She has pretty thick, mostly straight, dark blonde hair and we have struggled with oily hair, greasy appearance even on freshly washed hair at times and thick flaking like she used to get with “cradle cap” as a baby and toddler. Her crown and hairline get the greasiest. The absolute best combo now includes this dry shampoo but her hair wash routine is wash thoroughly (scalp and hair) with 3% salicylic acid shampoo (I use the Walgreens brand) and let sit on scalp for a few minutes. Rinse thoroughly. Shampoo for second time with silicone and mineral oil free shampoo (currently using the Pantene bamboo line which we both love) and rinse thoroughly. Conditioner lightly (maybe a teaspoon for her thick shoulder length hair) but be sure to massage into scalp. She is currently using my Shea Moisture conditioner but we use so little it doesn’t weigh either of our hair down. A dry scalp can over produce oil to try and over compensate. Since I started doing that it reduced a bit. Make sure to rinse thoroughly! Also the blow dry completely trick is important.All of this now with the dry shampoo is HOLY GRAIL!The rest of the week, we shampoo her only once with the bamboo shampoo so SA shampoo only once a week. It would be too drying otherwise. It’s nice that the bamboo shampoo is one that we both can use. Before this dry shampoo, we still washed 4-5 times a week or suffered the consequences in a greasy up-do ugh. Now we have the freedom to shampoo less if convenient especially in the colder months!Im so grateful to be able to help my daughter find her holy grail routine as she enters puberty and feel so happy to have found this product! Can’t recommend this product enough!"
Read the review on Amazon
"I have very thin and oily hair- I’ve tried so many different brands and types of dry shampoos (both expensive and cheap ones). Normally, dry shampoo helps me get one day more (24hrs) of good hair. I tried using this dry shampoo and was shocked that I could get as many as 3 days of good hair! I will say that it does check the texture of my hair a bit- it’s harder to run my fingers through my hair and it’s almost like my hair has too much texture/ added thickness. It washes out pretty easy. I’ve started mixing this with other, less effective, dry shampoos to get a balance of the awesomeness of I dew care oil saturation and the darker color and texture of another brand. I don’t think I’m using too much. Either way, I’ve started buying the multipack! Give it a try, it’s worth it!"
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