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About product

Seroflora Boric Acid Vaginal Suppositories is a unique product designed specifically for women, providing a natural solution to keeping the vaginal area clean and free of odors. These suppositories are made with 100% pure boric acid powder and contain 600 mg of the recommended dosage, making them an effective and reliable solution. It helps control odor caused by menstruation, intimacy, exercise, menopause, and hormone changes. Created by women for women, it is suitable for all types of intimate maintenance. Seroflora Boric Acid Vaginal Suppositories are made in the USA and are safe and easy to use at home.


  • Fast acting
  • Non-irritating
  • Unscented
  • Convenien

Customer Reviews

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Customer Reviews

First day using this, but pleased as punch!I got (what I thought) my first very mild YI not sure how or why (tmi, but I do wear thongs, albeit I change them 3x daily, I also exercise frequently)- but it happened. That's life.Nothing too gross- just a lot of discharge, with what looked like clumpy white tissue in it, no fishy foul smell- only a metallic-like musky smell (like iron or something). It was just getting on my nerves because I would get that horrible "after-sneeze" feeling throughout the day- without sneezing D:Anyways, after one night I have gotten significantly less discharge today- so far no white tissue looking stuff! Just occasional clear fluid and some of the borax powder lol.**Edit: After 6 days, no discharge, like at all, no clumps, and literally no smell whatsoever. It's like holy cow- I should've been using this forever ago. Please don't stop selling this. You've hooked me!I've never really had much of a smell down there- and an ex had told me so outright (hahaha! in your face :P) but now I'm wondering if that occasional metallic smell I got, had always been the slight increase of yeast- cause it's totally gone now. Hey, ya live and ya learn!I'm just glad there was an alternative for my predicament! This is so much better than turning to chemicals or creams. I did experience a very tiny amount of burning, and a slight increase in itching (which went away after 2 days of treatment), but it could've just been the infection itself. It didn't bother me enough to warrant worry. Throughout the day during treatment, *ahem* there would be some discharge of the borax that had dissolved- some of it was powdery, but nothing scary. Just a heads up, you may want to stick to light colored underwear for a while.Also, the bottle is so unassuming and pretty- I don't even mind it on my bathroom counter. I'm keeping it fresh, the best way :POverall: excellent, effective, unscented, non-irritating, convenient, and unassuming 10/5!!!Nothing to dislike! I'd recommend this for any woman as an occasional, maybe 1x a week, or 1x every 2 weeks as a 'refresher'. Especially if you wear thongs and or exercise a lot.Tip: use it right after a shower before bed when you're all nice and clean. You don't need anything fancy- maybe at most a mirror if you're needing to do a proper check up of the situation (and you should, because embarrassment aside, your body needs to be monitored).**It's also good to sleep in with your bottom in the buff 2-3x a week to let things air out (again, it's best to shower before bed so as to not dirty your sheets). Just toss an over-sized cotton shirt over your head and hit the hay!

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These work great and no side effects for me

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This is pretty long but read if you can. I started getting Bacterial Vaginosis and Yeast Infections about 3 years ago. I never had them in the past but when I got a hormonal IUD, it all went down hill. My new OB told me I should of never been put on an IUD period because I’ve never had kids. After getting the IUD taken out a year later, the BV and yeast infections wouldn’t go away. I was getting them at least once a month and sometimes twice if I was intimate right after my period. It really put a huge strain on my self esteem. Not to mention I was constantly spotting between periods because I couldn’t get my body to regulate after the IUD and birth control pills weren’t helping. So here I was spotting in between periods (sometimes for 2 weeks + 1 week on my period) and getting BV AND yeast infections at the same time. I got to the point where I could self diagnose and used my virtual doctors visit app to get antibiotics. Even then, antibiotics were only a quick fix. To add to all that, I went to my OB and explained that I was also bleeding during intercourse. Everyone blamed it on my birth control or having sex too rough but I knew there was something else. He discovered that I had cervical ectropion which basically means I had cells outside of my cervix that when irritated (ie being touched) would bleed. I waited some time to write this review because I wanted to see if I was imagining this but this is what I’ve discovered:1) First I used it after I felt a yeast infection forming and within 24 hrs all the symptoms went away.2) I had one instance of spotting in between periods since using this product but again its probably the BC.3) I no longer bleed during intercourse AT ALL.4) My vagina is self lubricating a lot easier and quicker than it had in the past 3 years.5) I have not gotten a yeast infection or BV since using this.6) my sex drive and self esteem has gotten so much better.I use one pill before going to bed if I had intercourse that day and a pill right after my period ends. Doesn’t need to be taken daily but I do highly recommend using it this way and always before bed. It does leak but it has no odor and it’s nothing a panty liner cant hold. Since using this, my sex life has changed dramatically and I’m so glad i pulled the plug after reading so many good reviews.TIP: buy the applicators. If you’re prone to infections like I was, I didn’t want to introduce any new bacteria in my vagina that my fingers may have so I think the applicators is the best way to go.

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I’ve used this for maybe 2-3 months or so and it works really really well because it lasted that long and it’s only 28 pills. I’ll put it in one day and the smell/odor will be gone for 3-4 days but I will still have excess ( no bad smell though )I stopped using it just to try another product which is the pill that you swallow and that didn’t work for a few weeks so I went back to this pill. So inserted the pill took a shower ( med hot shower ) used my new Vagisil Ph balance intimate wash that contains “ Lactoprebiotic “to try. And I also bought Physicians choice 60 billion prebiotic pill to try and I took that after I showered. It’s been maybe 5 days now and no smell , no excess and I had sex within those days and nothing!!!!! I’m still in shock! You ladies should definitely buy this , the Vagisil that I mentioned and the Prebiotic pills (mouth) and maybe it’ll work for you. I’ve only inserted 1 pill and taken 1 prebiotic pill so far and it’s been 5 days.

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About product

The SEROVERA Serovagil Boric Acid Vaginal Suppositories with Prebiotic and Aloe Vera is an effective solution for women who want to enjoy better intimate hygiene maintenance and odor control. Each pill contains 100% pure boric acid powder, Aloe Vera, and FOS Probiotic - ingredients that work together to remove unpleasant odors, restore moisture and feed the good bacteria. It eliminates vaginal odor caused by menstruation, intimacy, exercise, menopause, hormone changes, and many other factors. These all-natural, boric acid pills are an effective solution for eliminating vaginal odor, restoring moisture levels, relieving irritation and itching, and maintaining a balanced pH level.


  • Helps reduce dryness
  • Increases healthy discharge
  • Gentle on the abdomen
  • Reduces cramping

Customer Reviews

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Customer Reviews

This product is very helpful for women who struggle with bacterial vaginosis. The added probiotic/alone vera products give added benefits to the boric acid. I have used this for a number of months and have not had to be on antibiotics/pay an expensive doctor bill. Ladies, this is an inexpensive solution and I encourage you to try it! Buy some applicators to insert the capsules. You might need to put some lubricating gel on the applicator tip if you're experiencing vaginal dryness. Wash applicator with hot water and soap in between uses. Discard the applicator after about a week of use.

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I can't tell you how amazing the product is. It reliefs all discomfort! I would like to kiss the person who came up with it because after so much pain and struggle and trying so many different products this works like a miracle!!! It is fast and effective! If you are struggling with issues down there try it is so worth every penny! I tried lost of different remedies and medicine and nothing worked. I am so glad I ordered it and will continue to use. A thank you doesn't even cover how grateful I am to have found this product!

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I’ve suffered from BV off and on since August 2016. Frustration has lead me to tears, frantically searching for a cure. I’ve tried sticking everything up there to help (cinnamon, garlic, natural essential oils, hydrogen peroxide, honey) I've read blogs & forums about BV for years. This is one product that I can say has literally cured me and helped me manage my BV. I now only use a pill ever 2 weeks just for safe measure. Although I don’t need to. Also PS, all boric acid is not made the same. I’ve bought from other sellers and I’ll say SeroVagil is holy grail!

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I usually don’t take the time to write reviews but I had to with this amazing product. After doing my research on it and reading reviews I decided to give it a shot. I put the supplement in and fell asleep. I woke up sooo refreshed. It helped my dryness, and cleared other unwanted discharge. After using 3 other times to make sure it really works I know this product is the truth!! I think my PH balance is finally getting back together, thanks to this product!! I will be ordering again and I recommend this for any other female having vaginal issues. Another thing I want to add is to READ THE BACK OF THE BOTTLE. It does say you may fee a little burning, but nothing extreme. It’s barely noticeable.That’s the product doing it’s job and getting familiar with your particular PH balance. TAKE IT BEFORE GOING TO SLEEP. You will wake up like you have a BRAND NEW VAGINA!

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I love these products. They have really helped me. I have discovered that I prefer the one that doesn't have the aloe vera or probiotic enhancer more. I'm not sure why but the original one just seems to work better for me and it's cheaper so my next purchase I'll go back to ordering the other one. I don't use them every night maybe just a few times a week but its definitely something you will want to do like at night before laying down instead of in the morning or during the day when you are moving around. And make sure you sleep with some panties or shorts on or something. I don't think I need to go into detail on why that important to do when using this product. lol

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I have autoimmune diseases that often leaves me dry and itchy. I have unusual discharge that is not an STI or BV or a YI (I’ve been checked) but is still drying and irritating. This product stops all that. It me actually want to be active with my husband again. That said, follow directions and use it at night. When you first use it (or the first time in a while), especially, you will release more watery discharge. So wear PJs or a pad. Once you are prepared, it is a lifesaver.

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This has boric acid in it, so that’s as advertised... the problem is that the shell does not dissolve the way other suppositories do, so it’s just sitting around up there causing discomfort (cramps!) and not releasing the boric acid... I tried this for about 5 days before I was so uncomfortable I bought a different brand online that solely contained boric acid and started using that, which was much better.

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What can I say? After years (we are talking 20 years of other products and Doctors) of battling vaginal odor and/or infections I am normal and healthy again. This works like a probiotic in the right place, and straightens out any PH issues women can have from things like sex, blood sugar problems, past infections, and more.

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About product

Serovera’s Seroflora Boric Acid Vaginal Suppositories with Suppository Applicators for Women are an effective, hygienic, and comfortable odor-control solution. They remove any vaginal odor caused by menstruation, exercise, hormone changes, menopause, and other factors. As a cleanser, it also helps balance yoni pH levels and relieves common conditions like dryness, unwanted odors, and itching. The applicators are sterilized and individually wrapped for safety and hygiene. They also have a smooth tip to make insertion easy, gentle, and comfortable. Overall, Seroflora Boric Acid Vaginal Suppositories provide an effective solution to vaginal odor control while supporting vaginal health.


  • Treats BV & Yeast Infection symptoms overnight
  • Easy to use with a menstrual cup
  • Safe and effective with no side effects
  • Useful for prevention and long-term relief of recurring infections

Customer Reviews

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Customer Reviews

Ok so I’m going to put a similar review up on all of the products I got to attempt to cure the recurrent BV that was ruining my life for over 2 years.First of all, I’ll start with that when I was first diagnosed with BV, they put me on Clyndomiasin (spelling ?) for 9 days. I lost the last day of pills. Huge mistake. BV went away and a yeast infection took its place. Then BV came back. They then prescribed metronidazole. Same process a couple more times. The fourth diagnoses. they gave me the gel that you insert and told me that I’d have to do this for six to ten months to get rid of it. After a week of the gel, it made me super, super sick. So I had to stop taking it - so the BV came back.This whole process repeated itself for 22 months. I fell into an extreme depression. Why couldn’t I rid myself of this infection? Was I doomed to suffer from BV for the rest of my life? After doing some searching, I found out that HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF WOMEN deal with recurrent BV and are also completely miserable.What made me take this into my own hands was when my doctor said recurrent BV happens when your body stops producing a chemical similar to peroxide that kills the bacteria, and that since the bacteria has an almost impenetrable cell wall that grows evolves to be even stronger and more impenetrable if the infection isn’t killed off entirely. So I asked her- what if I just douched with hydrogen peroxide? And she said no, don’t do that, it won’t work. After researching the good vs bacteria and the chemical it produces, I realized that I had nothing to lose and decided to try it anyway, against my doctor’s orders. My thought process was this: Id kill off the bad bacteria long enough for the good bacteria to colonize- and then try and even it out as best as I could. So I bought a douche, these fantastic boric acid suppositories, a probiotic pill, a probiotic suppository, and prebiotic foods (sour kraut, kombucha)The first time I douched with peroxide, there was SO MANY BUBBLES. For probably 30 minutes, every time I’d put more in, it would come back out en masse. I did this five days in a row, all while taking a probiotic pill, drinking kombucha twice a day, and eating sour kraut at lunch every day. Cups of it. I was on a mission. On the sixth day, I used a probiotic suppository and then after a few days of “rest” I used these boric acid suppositories every other day, and the probiotic suppository in between that time. On the fourteenth day, I used the douche again. Almost no bubbles came out. Was my infection gone? Was this finally it? I gave myself a week of “rest” to see if anything would come back - and nothing did! I spent two weeks “heavy artilery” with every non-prescription, natural thing I could do and it cured my BV that I fought for two years!!14 days. After two years of doc appointments and prescriptions that didn’t work (and made it worse)Precautionarily, after sex, I’ll pop in a boric acid suppository, just in case (as sometimes sex can upset the flora balance and I and NOT taking any chances at this point) but my misery is gone.Thank you!!

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I honestly was nervous about doing this but I wanted a home remedy for when I need to freshen up. They actually worked! I can use this for one night or two nights and it works for my needs. Value for the money is good. I inserted, washed my hands and then put a pillow under my lower back for about 10-15 mins … no it doesn’t say do that but this is my review so that’s why I did … lol. I’ll definitely keep these in the stock.

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It works... within a few days of using it. I saw immediate results from it. No discomfort noted. Leave you feeling fresh no vaginal odor. Very comfortable to use. Will purchase again.

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Had BV for 2 years and been trying to combat it own my own (no insurances and college student with very little money or time.) I have no clue how got BV but I just figured because I was getting older my hormone balance was changing. My symptoms of BV, where yellowish to egg white discharge and a metallic/tangy smell, and itching was very mild but a rarity. So, not terrible systems but made me uncomfortable and paranoid of the smell when I would exercise, walking to and from class, and dancing.I have tried everything from ACV and tea tree baths to Vagisil (2 types) mixed with pure aloe vera gel to try an relive my symptoms.Even though this product only had a few reviews to compare to similar products but there mostly 5 star. I am so glad to gave this product a try it worked after the first night!!!! I used everything that came in the kit. The applicator needs to have some type of lubricant to insert into your vaginal canal. I didn't want to use any synthetic lubricants which would probably aggravate my BV. I wound up using Lilly of the Valley Aloe Vera gel as lubricant, I just used more then you would with a synthetic lubricant. I inserted Serovera Boric Acid pill at night just before bed as they recommend and laid a towel just in case mess accord during night (nothing happened). I woke up to clear discharge and no smell that lasted all day. Have never been so happy that this product worked!!!I did wait until after my period to try this product because I know your period can throw the Ph balance off in your vagina. I am going to use for next 7 to 14 days to give a through test.

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Absolutely HATE the applicators, which is the only reason I'm giving this 4 stars instead of 5. They can be uncomfortable and borderline painful to insert, and sometimes you have to try multiple times to get the pill to actually stay inside. It is much easier to just use your finger to insert up as far as you can into the cervix. (Be sure to wash hands first) However, this is an excellent product!!! I suffer from reoccurring YI and BV and this product literally cleared all symptoms in just ONE DAY! I've noticed less overall discharge and less vaginal dryness as well so that means more fun in the bedroom and less uncomfortable dryness due to recurrent but infections. Nothing else worked for me, and every time I'd get a prescription from the doc it would just come right back. But this stuff here is a life saver! Now this is just me, but to be on the safer side I'd suggest to use at least 3-6 days in a row depending on severity and maybe once a week for prevention. It works trust me!

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I found this in 2020 and have been using it ever since. It works quickly and isn't messy.

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Best female ph balance of 2024

Updated Oct, 2024
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Buying Guide

When looking for a Vaginal Suppository, selecting the best product available is a top priority. This buying guide is here to help you determine which vaginal flora suppository for women is the right choice for you. First, check the product label carefully to ensure it is safe for you to use. Boric acid is a common ingredient in vaginal suppositories and is beneficial for refreshing the vaginal area and reducing odors. Aside from boric acid, check for additives such as aloe vera and tea tree oil, which have natural anti-fungal properties. Boric acid suppositories can vary in strength, so pay attention to the dosage. Most products range from 600 mg to 1000 mg of boric acid per suppository, with higher dosages typically providing more powerful results. Last, do not forget to give the price some consideration. Look for products within your budget, and consider any other costs associated with the product, such as applicators or shipping. While the cost should never be your only deciding factor, it can help you choose among similarly effective products. Consider these four factors to ensure you select the best flora suppository. Take the time to research and compare products before making a purchase, and you’ll be sure to find the perfect product.
seroflora boric acid vaginal suppositories 600 mg 28 capsules
seroflora boric acid vaginal suppositories 600 mg 28 capsules

Featured Products

Seroflora Boric Acid Vaginal Suppositories 600 mg 28 Capsules - Boric Acid Pills for Women - Vaginal Health pH Balance for Women - Supports Vaginal Odor Control

seroflora boric acid vaginal suppositories 600 mg 28 capsules


Seroflora Boric Acid Vaginal Suppositories is a unique product designed specifically for women, providing a natural solution to keeping the vaginal area clean and free of odors. These suppositories are made with 100% pure boric acid powder and contain 600 mg of the recommended dosage, making them an effective and reliable solution. It helps control odor caused by menstruation, intimacy, exercise, menopause, and hormone changes. Created by women for women, it is suitable for all types of intimate maintenance. Seroflora Boric Acid Vaginal Suppositories are made in the USA and are safe and easy to use at home.

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Product features

  • Fast acting
  • Non-irritating
  • Unscented
  • Convenien


Is this product gluten-free?

This product is gluten-free as it contains no other ingredients except silica and magnesium stearate.

Do I have to use the whole seven days, or can I use it purely as a refresher?

You can use it as a refresher if your BV is not bad. Monitor your condition for a week and if necessary, use the following week as a refresher. Additionally, you can open up the capsule and add it to a douche bottle filled with purified water for a cleaner alternative.

SEROVERA Serovagil Boric Acid Vaginal Suppositories with Prebiotic and Aloe Vera, Control Odor and Vaginal Dryness

serovera serovagil boric acid vaginal suppositories


The SEROVERA Serovagil Boric Acid Vaginal Suppositories with Prebiotic and Aloe Vera is an effective solution for women who want to enjoy better intimate hygiene maintenance and odor control. Each pill contains 100% pure boric acid powder, Aloe Vera, and FOS Probiotic - ingredients that work together to remove unpleasant odors, restore moisture and feed the good bacteria. It eliminates vaginal odor caused by menstruation, intimacy, exercise, menopause, hormone changes, and many other factors. These all-natural, boric acid pills are an effective solution for eliminating vaginal odor, restoring moisture levels, relieving irritation and itching, and maintaining a balanced pH level.

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Product features

  • Helps reduce dryness
  • Increases healthy discharge
  • Gentle on the abdomen
  • Reduces cramping


Do these come with applicators included?

One applicator comes included in the package, and they are available separately. They are unnecessary if you are familiar with using feminine products like tampons.

Can you use this product as a refresher for odor as needed?

Yes, this product is suitable for freshening and odor control, and it provides moisture and balances PH levels. Use overnight for best results.

SEROVERA Seroflora Boric Acid Vaginal Suppositories for Women with Suppository Applicators - Boric Acid Pills Support Vaginal Odor Control - 28 Suppositories 7 Applicators

serovera seroflora boric acid vaginal suppositories


Serovera’s Seroflora Boric Acid Vaginal Suppositories with Suppository Applicators for Women are an effective, hygienic, and comfortable odor-control solution. They remove any vaginal odor caused by menstruation, exercise, hormone changes, menopause, and other factors. As a cleanser, it also helps balance yoni pH levels and relieves common conditions like dryness, unwanted odors, and itching. The applicators are sterilized and individually wrapped for safety and hygiene. They also have a smooth tip to make insertion easy, gentle, and comfortable. Overall, Seroflora Boric Acid Vaginal Suppositories provide an effective solution to vaginal odor control while supporting vaginal health.

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Product features

  • Treats BV & Yeast Infection symptoms overnight
  • Easy to use with a menstrual cup
  • Safe and effective with no side effects
  • Useful for prevention and long-term relief of recurring infections


Are these pills inserted in the vagina? Can I insert them with my finger or only with an applicator?

You can use your finger or an applicator to insert the pill into the vagina; however, you can also purchase SeroFlora without an applicator if you do not want to use one.

What size is the capsule?

The capsules are the same size as a Tylenol capsule, less than an inch long, and easy to use with the applicator.

Amazon Reviews

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"First day using this, but pleased as punch!I got (what I thought) my first very mild YI not sure how or why (tmi, but I do wear thongs, albeit I change them 3x daily, I also exercise frequently)- but it happened. That's life.Nothing too gross- just a lot of discharge, with what looked like clumpy white tissue in it, no fishy foul smell- only a metallic-like musky smell (like iron or something). It was just getting on my nerves because I would get that horrible "after-sneeze" feeling throughout the day- without sneezing D:Anyways, after one night I have gotten significantly less discharge today- so far no white tissue looking stuff! Just occasional clear fluid and some of the borax powder lol.**Edit: After 6 days, no discharge, like at all, no clumps, and literally no smell whatsoever. It's like holy cow- I should've been using this forever ago. Please don't stop selling this. You've hooked me!I've never really had much of a smell down there- and an ex had told me so outright (hahaha! in your face :P) but now I'm wondering if that occasional metallic smell I got, had always been the slight increase of yeast- cause it's totally gone now. Hey, ya live and ya learn!I'm just glad there was an alternative for my predicament! This is so much better than turning to chemicals or creams. I did experience a very tiny amount of burning, and a slight increase in itching (which went away after 2 days of treatment), but it could've just been the infection itself. It didn't bother me enough to warrant worry. Throughout the day during treatment, *ahem* there would be some discharge of the borax that had dissolved- some of it was powdery, but nothing scary. Just a heads up, you may want to stick to light colored underwear for a while.Also, the bottle is so unassuming and pretty- I don't even mind it on my bathroom counter. I'm keeping it fresh, the best way :POverall: excellent, effective, unscented, non-irritating, convenient, and unassuming 10/5!!!Nothing to dislike! I'd recommend this for any woman as an occasional, maybe 1x a week, or 1x every 2 weeks as a 'refresher'. Especially if you wear thongs and or exercise a lot.Tip: use it right after a shower before bed when you're all nice and clean. You don't need anything fancy- maybe at most a mirror if you're needing to do a proper check up of the situation (and you should, because embarrassment aside, your body needs to be monitored).**It's also good to sleep in with your bottom in the buff 2-3x a week to let things air out (again, it's best to shower before bed so as to not dirty your sheets). Just toss an over-sized cotton shirt over your head and hit the hay!"
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