Read the review on Amazon"I'm writing this review because I feel that this product in particular has received a grossly unfair amount of 1-star ratings. Scrolling through said 1-star ratings, I find that the chief complaints stem from users misunderstanding, often grossly, what these kinds of devices are for and how they should be used.In comparison with other brands of this device, I find that the Trusted ones are the best bang for your buck. They are of far more robust construction, and they serve their intended purpose well, which is to provide neck traction for those of us who are on a budget and have cervical spine issues. In my case, I have multiple herniated discs in my cervical spine which press on the nerves supplying my arms. The traction from this device provides me with noticeable relief and makes the issue much easier to manage long-term.What you should not expect is for your spinal issues to be magically cured after one use. There is no device which can do that. I would also recommend taking the time to read the User's Guide and educate yourself a little on how and why traction works to help with certain spinal issues. If you are too aggressive with traction you can injure yourself, whether it be with a Trusted traction device, another brand, or a different type of traction device altogether.Let those who injured themselves and consequently left 1-star ratings serve as a lesson. Your spine is a complicated structure, and you would do well to exercise caution in dealing with issues related to it. I would personally argue that such 1-star ratings are unfair, as the failure in such cases stems from user error and a misconception about what these devices are for.These are for providing traction to the cervical spine in order to relieve pressure and gently stretch the spinal column and related structures. They are NOT for popping your neck and you should NOT expect them to magically cure your neck pain overnight.If you decide to give it a try, start out slow. Adjust the bands until you find a configuration which suits you. I find, personally, that attaching the top band loosely and the bottom band tightly avoids the common complaint of feeling strangled, while still providing the desired traction.You are stretching your neck. If you were to set out to get more flexible, you probably wouldn't start out by trying to touch your elbows to the floor from a straight-legged standing position. That would very likely just lead to injury. A more realistic goal for a beginner would be to touch your fingertips to your toes. This is the same principle. Aim for a gentle stretch for small periods of time at first, and slowly increase the intensity and duration of the stretch over a period of weeks to months.If you are experiencing severe neck problems, PLEASE consult a doctor before trying this or some other home remedy. This is your spine we're talking about. Not a squeaky wheel that just needs some oil.This is a good product which stands above the crowd in terms of quality. Used properly and patiently, these devices can provide significant relief for neck related issues."