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The YEOUTH Glycolic Acid 30% Gel Peel with Retinol Serum is an excellent choice for exfoliating old skin cells, clearing up dark spots and acne, and reducing wrinkles. This product does an excellent job of removing blackheads, blemishes, acne, and hyperpigmentation, and after just a few uses, you will notice an improvement in the clarity of your skin. Made in the USA with natural ingredients, this solution is paraben-free and dermatology tested, so you can be sure that you are getting a safe, high-quality product. Apply it directly after washing and toning the face with your regular cleansers.


  • Reduces acne scars, fine lines, and discoloration
  • Improves overall skin texture
  • Smoothes dry skin patches
  • Provides strong exfoliation

Customer Reviews

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Es un buen producto para las manchas de la piel usandolo con cuidado pues puede enrojecer un poco segun el tipo de piel.

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Lo recomiendo

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I wanted to give this face peel a try as I have been getting more and more into skincare routines. I thought it meant peel as in you peel it off like a mask, because I’ve tried those before, so I was surprised when I put it on my face and it didn’t harden. I guess the peel means it’s taking a very small layer of your skin off with the acid in it. They have very precarious directions just in case this may be too harsh with your skin, like try it first on a small spot on your neck and look for your reactions, because this is strong stuff. After putting this on, I left it on for a minute, and then washed it off. It felt a little tingly, but didn’t burn or anything. I was surprised because I have very sensitive skin. I am allergic to everything. But this was fine on my skin and I had no bad reaction. After I took it off my skin instantly felt really soft. I think this also does a good job at getting rid of dark spots. My skin looked very bright and healthy after this. I’ve continued to use this normally in my routine. I leave it on for longer now that I know my skin can handle it. I left it on for like 5 mins. The more you leave it on the more tingling sensation you get, but also the longer you leave it on, the better it works. I can tell the difference. My skin looks so much more clearer and it’s really weird to me because I’ve had tons of acne, scars, and dark spots, so my face never looked as clear as it does now. Your facial skin health is important, so take care of it. I highly recommend you try this.

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I have seen these products on Facebook. I finally decided to give them a try. I felt comfortable purchasing since the transaction is fulfilled by Amazon. I am a Prime member and received them in 2 days. I wanted to wait for at least 8 weeks of using products. I do not feel it would be fair for my opinion without giving the products a chance to work.I have extremely dry skin, in my 60s, post menopausal. I was using a skin care routine of am and pm cleaning, moisture serum, moisturizing cream one for am and different one for night. I had beginnings of crows feet and the vertical limes around my lips. I also had areas of brown spots from sun damage from earlier years, especially around my left eye. While I had used products that helped, I had reached the point where nothing was getting better. Then Idecided to give the Vitamin C Skin Serum with vitamin E and Hyaluronic acid (the orange one) a try. Eight weeks ago I started using this one product evey am and pm, strictly following the directions. It was very helpful receiving emails to be sure i was using it correctly from Yeouth (in addition to the directions provided with the product). My skin felt smoother, skin tone was more even, skin felt lifted, and wrinkles were decreasing. I was so impressed with results that 3 weeks ago, I added all the products to my routine. I use the Hyaluronic Acid Plus (green bottle) at night after using the toner. In the beginning I used water to dampened my skin before applying, using toner seemed to prepare skin better to work with the other products. I added the eye serum and love it! My crows feet are gone. The L22 moisturizer is absorbed quickly and leaves skin soft. It is an easy routine to follow. I also added the Glycolic Gel Peel. I do not have sensitive skin and have had 8 peels so far. The stubborn brown spot is almost gone. I also got the Pure Hyaluronic acid (blue) and use a facial steamer to dampen skin, once moist add the pure hyaluronic and use steam for another 2 minutes then allow to dry. I think it is making pores smaller. Again this was my choice, I did not read this in any of the instructions.You purchase the products you want when you want, no monthly "club" to join and get stuck spending more money. I have never written a review this extensive, long. I will be continuing, expecting even more results. The topper for me was when I had to have an MRI of my back. The technician was putting in the machine and has to check my arm band, which has my date of birth on it, and says "I know you probably hear this all the time, but you do not look your age. You have beautiful skin." I am sold!!

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Lo he empezado a usar y me gusta el resultado. Comencé probándolo unos 30 segundos y después lo uso cada 15 días unos 6 minutos. Deja la piel muy bonita y limpia. Pica un poquito, pero casi ni se nota. Lo recomiendo.

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I have been applying this once a week, starting 1 minute and now I'm 8 minutes (the maximum time) . I do get tingling sensation during use but that means it is doing something. After use my skin feels also a bit sore and red, but that's also expected. In that sense it is similar to derma rolling or microneddling. What I do is I apply a gentle moisturiser made with oats or gentle hyaluronic acid serum straight after removing the product. I do it at night before going to bed, I use 50+ sunscreen the day after, which I ise everyday anyway. My skin looks plumper, brighter, more even, marks are fading. I feel very happy with purchase.

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J'ai de nombreuses fois utilisé de l'acide glycolique, et fait des peelings moyens en cabinet. Je voulais quelque chose à utiliser 2-3 fois par mois pour aider la peau à s'exfolier et avoir un teint plus net. Je suis satisfait du résultat. Il est important de l'appliquer sur une peau parfaitement propre et sèche. Si vous n'avez pas l'habitude, faites un test sur une petite zone, car certaines personnes réagissent très fort. Et aucun soleil pendant au moins 3 jours après, car vous risquez literallement de cramer et de développer des tâches : c'est ce qu'on appelle un rebond pigmentaire). Quelques jours après l'utilisation j'utilise une brosse rotative pour nettoyer la peau après l'avoir humidifiée quelques minutes. Pensez à hydrater généreusement après chaque application.Attention : ne vous attendez pas à voir votre peau peler, pas à cette concentration. C'est un produit davantage prévu pour un entretien régulier. Pour un effet plus radical, mieux vaut envisager de consulter en cabinet pour un peeling jusqu'à 70%

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Va utilizzato con attenzione perché pizzica. Rende la pelle liscia e attenua le imperfezioni.

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This product should be used with care, especially if you have sensitive skin. The first application can be kept on up to 30 seconds, but I swiped over my whole face and rinsed immediately. The reasoning behind this was it stung pretty bad, and I know my skin to be very sensitive so I'm very careful. I did the swatch test first, per the instructions.A previous review said to have a neutralizer on hand, and I think that that is a really great idea.Use a cotton ball or pad to apply, don't get it anywhere other than where you intended. The pump is a little weird, so applying it on the cotton ball over a sink is probably best.I ended up having to use my facial wash to get the traces off, because water wasn't enough. I thoroughly cleaned my face with just water at first. But I could still feel a stinging sensation on my skin. So soap and water it was. I have already noticed some small results. It definitely works, just be very careful.Good luck!

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Make sure you mix this stuff well, it seemed inconsistent my first few applications. Haven’t tried other 30% GA formulas, but it seems pretty strong.It can and will cause visible skin peeling, flaking, and redness, for up to a week. My biggest issue is the inconsistency, even when mixing before use, and the applicator. The applicator is “all or nothing”, you get a big messy squirt, and sometimes it shoots past my hand and gets on the counter. Not something you want in a strong-ish acid peel. I think a dropper would be much better. Honestly, I have been unscrewing the cap, and using the bottom of the straw to apply to small, precise spots, or the side to spread it evenly.You may want to have a neutralizer on hand (baking soda mixed with water) if you have very sensitive skin, or you can just wash it off with water after your peel time. I have left it on, without washing off/neutralaizing, and that it probably too strong for most people. Can cause redness for up to a week.

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It was ok it made my skin really soft it’s not much of a peel I didn’t get the peel effect.. it burns a little but nothing to bad..

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It’s really bad and dangerous because it keeps spitting acid everywhere but not where you want it to be. So it got in my eye and now my day is ruined because it’s super red and swollen, and tears a lot. I will have to go to the doctor to check it

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About product

This gel peel is a powerful and gentle exfoliant with incredible skin-transforming capabilities. It is perfect for eliminating excess oil and dirt, giving your pores a clean and toned look. At its core, it is made in the USA and owned by a Cosmetic Chemist. It is natural and free from parabens, and has been tested by dermatology for safety. As a solution to rid the skin of dark spots, blackheads and acne, this peel can be used regularly in combination with other anti-aging skin care products for long-term clarity. An extra special facial peel, it can be used both by men and women without fear of any skin damage or irritation. The unique formula of this gel also serves as an AHA/BHA exfoliator that can be applied after washing your face with a cleanser and toner. However, it should not be left on the face for more than 8 minutes - to ensure maximum safety and efficacy - before washing it off completely and applying moisturizer on the newly revealed skin. It is important to deploy this Glycolic Acid Peel once every month in order to get the best results; any more than once will strip too much of the protective layer of oil from your skin, causing irritation and other problems. In short, this is an amazing product for those looking for a powerful yet gentle facial peel with excellent clarity-inducing properties. If you’re looking for an all-natural solution that will lighten dark spots and target blemishes, this is definitely worth considering.


  • Reduces acne scars
  • Minimizes fine lines
  • Improves skin texture
  • Suitable for sensitive skin

Customer Reviews

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Customer Reviews

I just used this for the first time and wow. My face looks so clean and bright. I had my worst brown spot on the tip of my nose that I could not un-see. It lightened it up already. I had it on for 30 seconds. No burning, no smell. Everything is great. I will continue to buy for as long as I care about my appearance. Very good price too.

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So far the best one I’ve had in the US, bit expensive though but that’s it

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Be careful of sensitive skin. Do not cleanse face hard before using this product. It works

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I use this on the tops of my hands because I have brown/age/sun spots. This has helped reduced the color and appearance. I have sensitive skin and suggest going light on the serum, and not overuse product. I tested using more and found it itches and turns up red spots that are a tad unsightly. I have tried BBL previously and never went back for my last session as my skin had a terrible rash that caused major itching, that was very uncomfortable. I would recommend this product, it helps reduce but not eliminate brown spots. I occasionally use this on my face, because my skin is sensitive I wash as soon as I feel the tingling sensation, I’ve notice a slight change/improvement in fine lines. I’m not an expert in cosmetology however comfortable enough with this product thus far.

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Good ingredients but seemed to break my face out

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This is my first time using a product like this. I bought it almost 2 weeks ago. I've used it 5 times so far. I was expecting my skin to peel but it didn't. It did experience some stinging on my face while applying it but left no redness or irritation. I'm a dark skinned, 38 year old, with combination of oily and dry skin. I have alot of uneven spot on my decollatage and breast. I also have some areas of hyperpigmentation on my face. After the first use I saw a clearer brighter complexion to my face and breast. After 4 uses most of the dark marks on my chest and breast are nearly all gone or significantly lighter. The skin on my face has a brighter glow and the area of hyperpigmentation has significantly lightened up and I'm overall very impressed with this product and makes me curious to know how a professionally done peel might turn out. Overall I recommend. If you have sensitive skin this may not be the product for you as it stings the face upon application and probably will cause redness and irritation on individuals with lighter skin tones.

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I had high hopes for this product! Unfortunately it caused my skin to severely break out. If you are one who still gets acne like I do every so often this product is not for you! I read and followed the directions down to a T I even did a patch test like it said and I didn't get a reaction but for some reason it affected my cheek like no other.

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I've never used a 30% glycolic acid peel before, so I've started by using this for the minimum 30 seconds, and boy can you feel it working! Definitely tingling/burning by the end of 30 seconds on my somewhat sensitive skin. I'll have to see how long I can work up to after using it a few times. It's definitely much stronger than the 10% glycolic acid serum I was using before. I would just put the 10% on and not rinse it off. I won't be doing that with this one! It's nice to know it's really working and is as strong as advertised.

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A lungo andare usato con oculatezza dà dei buoni risultati..

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I noticed dead skin pealing off days later it has improved the texture and appearance (i was looking like i had a dirty face) My face looks fresh, clean and tightened..I found the best way to use this is to get a paint brush. Squirt some into the cap. Paint it on the face with the paint brush using small amounts at a time. This way you don't need gloves and you wont waste any or squirt it in your eyes like other reviewers have had issues with. Rinse the brush and cap. Great product can't believe it is working.

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Honestly this stuff is amazing I love it so much … thinking about buying it just do it x

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un excellent produit rien a dire

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NOTA: SI LO HAS COMPRADO Y NO TE HA FUNCIONADO, ¡PRUEBA EN LOS PIES! En verano se me secan mucho y me salen durezas, por más que lime no se van… 5 min después en los talones, SUAVES COMO UN BEBÉ. Si ya lo tienes, pruébalo, no pierdes nada.En cuatro palabras: No funciona para mí. Me guié por las opiniones pero no me ha servido de nada.Lo compré para la cara. No tengo manchas ni nada, pero buscaba algo más potente que el glicólico de TO (que es un 7% y no me hace nada). Tengo la piel acostumbrada a ácidos potentes, pero seguí las indicaciones. Es mejor tener precaución con estas cosas, sobretodo con la piel de la cara que es más fina y delicada. Después de varios usos puedo decir que no me ha servido de nada.¿Poros? Cero. No me ha quitado NADA. Tengo poros visibles desde la adolescencia, me he acostumbrado a vivir con ello. No me ha quitado nada, siguen ahí. Si lo que quieres es librarte de ellos y tienes piel grasa, acneica puede que no sea lo tuyo. Si lo has probado y no funciona, prueba el BHA de Paula's Choice. Llevo dos semanas y mis poros se ven menos. ¡Y he probado muchos MUCHOS BHA! (el problema de mirarse demasiado al espejo y verlo todo)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Más sobre mi piel y mi rutina:Tengo piel mixta, zona T muy grasa (tanto que en verano brilla con luz propia jajaja). Llevo más de 5 años desde que empecé con esto, he ido probando muchas cosas y he investigado (soy de la rama química) a fondo. Después mucho probar, una rutina simple es lo que mejor funciona conmigo. Tal vez a ti te sirva, o no. Cada piel es un mundo, así que lo mejor es ir probando como yo hice. Advertir que tengo menos de 30, no tengo arrugas ni piel seca ni nada. Tenlo en cuenta si eso es lo que buscas, porque yo no estaba usando esto por eso si no por los poros.Por la mañana: Me lavo la cara con agua. Ahora que es verano, utilizo el jabón suave ya que como he dicho tengo piel mixta. Una vez seco (a toques, no frotes por dios) me echo la crema, que es la misma día y noche. Me echo un poco con una espátula (para no contaminar la crema) y mezclo niacinamida. Una vez seco, me echo el azelaico y después, crema solar. ¡Sí, la crema solar es importante si quieres evitar fotoenvejecimiento!Por la noche: doble limpieza, primero limpieza con aceite (o agua micelar si lo prefieres) y seguido el jabón suave. Una vez seco, me el tónico hidratante. Una vez seco y después de varias capas (método sandwich coreano), me echo la crema igual que por la mañana. En invierno utilizo aceite squalane, en verano niacinamida. Después va el azelaico. Si veo que tengo la piel muy seca o zonas sensibles (como la zona de la nariz, que se seca en invierno) utilizo una crema reparadora oclusiva, para evitar la pérdida de agua durante la noche (el famoso TEWL).- Limpiador aceite: No he encontrado uno que me guste y no me deje película, ahora mismo estoy usando el gel MASDERM desmaquillante facial de amazon.- Limpiador jabón: CeraVe. Ahora tengo el SA, pero el hydrating y el foaming son igual de buenos y más baratos.- Tónico: Kikumasamune High moist (500ml dan para muuuucho).- Crema: sebamed Urea 5% (la compro en Müller, solo cuesta 9,95€ más barato que aquí).- Niacinamida: TO Niacinamide 10%.- Aceite: TO squalane oil 100%.- Ácido azelaico: acmed azelaic acid 20%.- BHA: Paula's Choice 2% SKIN PERFECTING gel.- Solar: Eucerin Oil control dry touch gel-cream (30 o 50, tengo ambas. Me ha costado encontrar uno apto para pieles grasas y acneicas como la mía que reacciona con muchas cosas).- Gel reparador: La Roche Posay Cicaplast Gel B5.

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Best Glycolic Acid Gel Peel of 2024

Updated Oct, 2024
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Buying Guide

If you’re considering using a glycolic acid gel peel with retinol serum for your face, you’ve come to the right place. This comprehensive buying guide will help you decide which product is best for you. First and most important is the concentration of the product. Glycolic acid peels come in various concentrations, ranging from 10 to 70%. Lower concentrations, such as 10%, are considered mild and suitable for those with sensitive skin or first-time users. Higher concentrations, such as 70%, are more effective at exfoliating and treating specific skin conditions. Next, take a close look at the ingredients. Look for peels that contain beneficial substances, such as retinol, Vitamin C, and hyaluronic acid. Now let us look at application and ease of use. Different peels require different applications. Some may require a neutralizer after the glycolic acid gel, while others may have a pre-neutralized solution. If you intend to use it yourself, ensure its application process is one you can manage without professional assistance. Finally, we have the price. Of course, no one wants to use cheap products on their skin, but you should be careful not to go over your budget by getting a product you do not need. Keep the points discussed in this buyer guide in mind when shopping for your perfect product, and you’ll be sure to find the one that’s best for you!
yeouth glycolic acid gel, exfoliating gel at home glycolic acid
yeouth glycolic acid gel, exfoliating gel at home glycolic acid

Featured Products

YEOUTH Glycolic Acid Gel for Face, Exfoliating Gel for Face At Home Glycolic Acid 30% Gel with Retinol, 30% Glycolic Acid Face Peel Designed to Refresh & Smooth the Appearance of Skin 1oz

yeouth glycolic acid gel, exfoliating gel at home glycolic acid


The YEOUTH Glycolic Acid 30% Gel Peel with Retinol Serum is an excellent choice for exfoliating old skin cells, clearing up dark spots and acne, and reducing wrinkles. This product does an excellent job of removing blackheads, blemishes, acne, and hyperpigmentation, and after just a few uses, you will notice an improvement in the clarity of your skin. Made in the USA with natural ingredients, this solution is paraben-free and dermatology tested, so you can be sure that you are getting a safe, high-quality product. Apply it directly after washing and toning the face with your regular cleansers.

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Product features

  • Reduces acne scars, fine lines, and discoloration
  • Improves overall skin texture
  • Smoothes dry skin patches
  • Provides strong exfoliation


Does this get rid of blackheads?

This glycolic face peel can help reduce blackheads.

Should I use a neutralizer, or is just rinsing with water okay?

Use a neutralizer made from equal parts water and baking soda. You can also rub vaseline on sensitive areas such as eyebrows, lips, and nostrils.

YEOUTH Glycolic Acid Gel for Face, Exfoliating Gel for Face At Home Glycolic Acid 30% Gel with Retinol, 30% Glycolic Acid Face Peel Designed to Refresh & Smooth the Appearance of Skin 2oz

yeouth glycolic acid gel, exfoliating gel at home glycolic acid


This gel peel is a powerful and gentle exfoliant with incredible skin-transforming capabilities. It is perfect for eliminating excess oil and dirt, giving your pores a clean and toned look. At its core, it is made in the USA and owned by a Cosmetic Chemist. It is natural and free from parabens, and has been tested by dermatology for safety. As a solution to rid the skin of dark spots, blackheads and acne, this peel can be used regularly in combination with other anti-aging skin care products for long-term clarity. An extra special facial peel, it can be used both by men and women without fear of any skin damage or irritation. The unique formula of this gel also serves as an AHA/BHA exfoliator that can be applied after washing your face with a cleanser and toner. However, it should not be left on the face for more than 8 minutes - to ensure maximum safety and efficacy - before washing it off completely and applying moisturizer on the newly revealed skin. It is important to deploy this Glycolic Acid Peel once every month in order to get the best results; any more than once will strip too much of the protective layer of oil from your skin, causing irritation and other problems. In short, this is an amazing product for those looking for a powerful yet gentle facial peel with excellent clarity-inducing properties. If you’re looking for an all-natural solution that will lighten dark spots and target blemishes, this is definitely worth considering.

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Product features

  • Reduces acne scars
  • Minimizes fine lines
  • Improves skin texture
  • Suitable for sensitive skin


How much will this cause my skin to peel?

Glycolic acid is not meant to cause peeling of the skin, but instead to penetrate the deeper layers to make the top layer of skin healthier and younger-looking. You should experience subtle peeling rather than skin literally coming off in layers, and a warm water rinse is usually best to deactivate the product.

How many times should I apply this?

It is generally recommended to use this glycolic acid peel once every other week for 8-10 treatments, followed by maintenance treatment of one peel a month. As long as you follow these instructions, you should get the results you’re looking for.

Amazon Reviews

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"Es un buen producto para las manchas de la piel usandolo con cuidado pues puede enrojecer un poco segun el tipo de piel."
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